
Lauture ip

Hone what you own and protect what’s yours.

Intellectual Property solutions for the creators. Lauture IP is a boutique intellectual property and entertainment law practice that helps protect you creative thinkers and innovators. 

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Dedicated to helping entrepreneurs and creative businesses

|pursue the passion|

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Building your business, no matter how novel or sophisticated, is no easy feat! You are in a continuous process of learning, processing, and growing.

It’s no secret that Intellectual Property (IP) certainly can be intimidating and complicated, right? Well, it’s our job to give IP a refreshing revamp and create an accessible approach for you and your business needs.

At Lauture IP, we believe in inspiring creativity to stimulate purposeful change, no matter how petite or grand.

We support you fellow creative thinkers by making intellectual property an accessible kit of tools and an engaging experience. We strive to offer an eccentric and digestible method of legal representation, counseling, and strategy planning. Whether it’s trademark protection, copyright infringement issues, or if you’re looking for practical IP advice and solutions for your business or brand, consider Lauture IP your go-to! 

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